Sunday, July 28, 2019

Dental School Instas

If you are anything like me when I was still a pre-dental student, you have no idea what to expect during the four years of dental school. I had heard too many horror stories ("Oh, you know that dentists have the highest rate of suicide," "Prepare for the worst four years of your life," "You'll always be in the library," "Goodbye, social life!")

Well it turns out, it's not that true. I know plenty of dental students pursuing other opportunities (like small businesses and Youtube channels) or students who travel frequently, still exercise regularly, go out on the weekends, and who make time to still do everything they love. If you're ever wondered what it's like to juggle having a social life in dental school, I recommend you check out some of my favorite dental school instas! These students portray the struggles and joys of being in dental school so accurately! Feel free to DM them with any questions! 

Hi my name is Saloni, a rising dental student. I’ve been inspired to connect with my dental community professionally through my insta blog called @smilesbysaloni. I believe dentistry is powerful because of its humanism and for this reason, we should work on developing both our heart and hand skills.

Name: Alyssa Elezye
Hometown: Brooklyn, NY
Age: 24
School: Howard University College of Dentistry
What made me want to become a dentist? - Smiling has always been a part of my life but it was used as a way to hide any insecurities or feelings of being “other”. As a young girl growing up in a Caribbean household, I rarely saw others in my classes or programs that looked or sounded like me. In an attempt to feel as though I belonged, I smiled more and talked less. As I’ve gotten older I’ve learned that a smile can mean so many things to a person but an unhealthy one can mean insecurity or embarrassment. I want to educate people on the value and importance of oral health so that they may feel confident in the smile they have.
What am I looking forward to? - As silly as it sounds, I’m looking forward to being in an academic setting again! I’ve always enjoyed learning and it will be so refreshing to be around like minded individuals who share the same passion for dentistry and oral health care as I do.

Heyy everyone! My name is Paulina @BlondeandToothy and I am a dental student at NYU College of Dentistry, documenting my journey through dental school. If you are a prudent; student, a dental student or a dentist, PLEASE visit and give my page a follow! Hope you are all having a great day!

    Hi! My name is Tammy Cha. I'm currently a second year dental student at UT Health San Antonio. Second year is tough and I'm still learning to balance school, lab, and social life! My insta is @cha.vity. Get it, Cha.vity? Cavity?

Hi! I’m Chichi, a second year dental student at the University of Iowa College of Dentistry! I earned my B.S. in Microbiology and Africana Studies from the University of Pittsburgh in 2018. Currently, I serve as president of the Iowa Chapter of the Student National Dental Association and the Vice President of the Black Graduate and Professional Student Association, and am a researcher of orofacial abnormalities. In addition to all things dental school, I’m a total fitness junkie and one day I’d love to be a personal trainer! My hobbies include working out, binge watching shows on Netflix (which realistically only happens in summer), and drinking iced coffee. My insta is @fit.chi.

Hi everyone! My name is Jane! I am a first year at The Dental College of Georgia! I was born in Fargo, North Dakota but spent my whole life in metro Atlanta! I attended Emory University and received my bachelors degree in Chemistry!

It took me two times to get into dental school but I never gave up my dreams!!! In my free time I love to spend time with my family and my two fur kids! I also love to go on hikes and go fishing!! You can follow my dental journey @mylilacjourney!!

Hello! I’m Linda, a first-year orthodontics resident at BU. I was born in Korea, raised in Singapore, and graduated from Duke and UCSF for my B.S. and D.D.S., respectively. Dentistry is a rewarding profession, but can be mentally, physically, and emotionally challenging. My top three tips are to: 1. find a mentor who truly believes in your potential, 2. establish a strong network of support, and 3. embrace failures as opportunities to learn. For a glimpse into my dental journey, follow me @smile.with.linda!

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